Strategic briefing

Покана за традиционния Стратегически брифинг "Гео-икономика на конфронтацията Русия-Запад. Неизбежна ли е войната?" на Центъра за Балкански и Черноморски изследвания /CBBSS и проекта Bulgaria Analytica.

Той ще се проведе на 18 април 2018 г. от 10.00 ч. в Гранд Хотел София - зала "Сердика". Лекторите са специално поканени за брифинга и това са Михайл Крутихин и Владислав Иноземцев.

Strategic briefing: The geo-economics of Russia – West confrontation? Is war inevitable?

We are pleased to invite you on 18 April, 2018 (Wednesday), at 10:00, at a Briefing organized by the Center for Balkan and Black Sea Studies and the Bulgaria Analytica project.
The event will be held at the Grand Hotel Sofia‘s Hall SERDIKA, 1 Gurko Street, Sofia.

Keynote speakers:
  üMr Mikhail Krutikhin   

  ü Mr Vladislav Inozemtsev

  ü  Mr Alex  Alexiev and Mr Ilian Vassilev

The discussion will take place in English.
Mr Mikhail Krutikhin - analyst and consultant on the oil and gas industry and politics in Russia; co-founder of and analyst with the RusEnergy consultancy in Moscow; editor-in-chief of The Russian Energy weekly newsletter. He previously served as editor-in-chief for the Russian Petroleum Investor and as associate editor for the Caspian Investor monthly magazines. Between 1972 and 1992, he worked for the TASS news agency in Moscow, Cairo, Damascus, Tehran, and Beirut, rising from correspondent to chief of bureau. Mr. Krutikhin graduated from Moscow State University majoring in Iranian linguistics, but later obtained his Ph.D. in modern history.

Mr Vladislav Inozemtsev is Senior Research Fellow 2017-2018, Polish Institute of Advanced Studies, Warsaw, Poland; a professor and the chair at the Department of World Economy, Faculty of Public Governance, Moscow State Lomonosov University. Since November 2012, he has been chairman of the High Council of the Civilian Force, a Russian "center-liberal", pro-European political party. 2012-2013: Senior visiting fellow, Institutfuer die Wissenschaftenvom Menschen (Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna, Austria;2013-2014: Senior visiting fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington (DC), United States 2015: Senior visiting fellow, Deutsche GesellschaftfuerAuswaertigePolitik (German Society for Foreign Policy, DGAP, Berlin, Germany;  2015-2016: Senior visiting fellow, Brzezinski Institute with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington (DC), United States; Since Feb., 2016: Non-resident senior fellow, The Atlantic Council, Washing-ton (DC), United States. More than 15 books published in Russia since 1996, some of them translated into French, English and Chinese, published in France, UK, US, and China (all available through and related publishers), more than 400 articles in academic journals, and around 2000 texts in daily and weekly press throughout the world (list of most important in English and some other languages [except Russian-language ones and internet publications] attached).

Mr Alex Alexiev is Chairman of the Center for Balkan and Black Sea Studies and editor-in-chief of the geopolitical website

Mr Ilian Vassilev is a Member of the Board of the Center for Balkan and Black Sea Studies, Managing Partner at Innovative Energy Solutions, Blogger, Honorary Chair of the Bulgarian Economic Forum Chairman of the Reform Union Club.
The foreign lecturers are in Sofia at the invitation of the Center for Balkan and Black Sea Studies especially for the Strategic briefing.

We kindly invite you to attend and join with your opinions and questions. The discussion is scheduled to end at 12:00. You can register to participate by confirming your attendance at e-mail: or Deadline: 04/17/2018.

Center for Balkan and Black Sea Studies       

Bulgaria Analytica


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